KT Steel Wool for Sparkle Baskets

CHF 15.00

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Fine steel wool is a highly useful and versatile material that is commonly used for creating sparks in a variety of settings. When pulled apart and fluffed up, steel wool can be ignited by a spark or flame, and will burn rapidly, creating a shower of sparks that can be used for a range of applications.

Steel wool is often used as a firestarter, as it is highly flammable and can be ignited easily. When combined with a ferrocerium rod, a lighter, or other fire-starting tools, steel wool can create a shower of sparks that can ignite tinder, kindling, or other combustible materials.

In addition to its use as a firestarter, fine steel wool is also commonly used for creating special effects in photography and filmmaking. By igniting the steel wool and spinning it around, it is possible to create a dramatic display of sparks that can be captured on camera.

Overall, fine steel wool is an excellent material for creating sparks, whether for firestarting or special effects. It is highly flammable, easy to ignite, and produces a shower of sparks that can be used for a range of purposes.

Necessary material for the Sparkle baskets (rain of sparks effect).
Quantity in the package 5 lm.
Weight: 170 g.

Price for the package.


This product is highly dangerous! It can cause burns and body damage! Because of the possibility of getting hurt - it should be used only by people with experience in fire dancing techniques! Neither shop nor producer takes responsibility for damages caused by the wrong use of bought equipment!

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