Invisible Zone

CHF 19.00

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Discover the incredible "Invisible Zone"!

Show your audience a ballpoint pen and a small magic box equipped with a mysterious "invisibility zone" in its center. According to your explanation, this zone "visually" swallows any object placed within it. Insert an orange Bic pen into the box: your audience will see it enter on one side and exit on the other, proving it truly passes through the box. To enhance the effect, move the pen back and forth a few times, demonstrating that it flows freely.

Then, reveal the highlight of the show: open the front flap of the box. At that moment, the center of the pen appears to have completely vanished! Your audience, intrigued, can even pass their fingers through the box to confirm it’s not just an optical illusion.

Made by TENYO, a renowned name in the world of magic, the "Invisible Zone" is a clever and captivating trick that will amaze audiences of all ages

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